Wednesday, April 30, 2014


The best tips to guarantee the best pictures!
{From your photographer}

Everybody wants beautiful newborn pictures. On top of finding a good photographer, there are things you can do to ensure great pictures!

1.Schedule your appointments for the first 10 days of baby's life.

I cannot emphasize this enough!  In order to get those perfect shots, your baby must be at the right stage.  Within the first week, babies sleep more, and they are easier to mold into those perfect little poses.  Sometimes this requires scheduling months in advance with the photographer.  We know you are tired!  That's why most newborn specialist photographers will have a comfy place for mom to relax while baby is working. :)

2. Feed baby about 15 minutes prior to your shoot

This way, baby's belly is nice and full.  When they are happy they sleep, and that is just what we want!  If possible, you can even feed them once you arrive at the studio. 

3.  Try your hardest to keep baby awake prior to your shoot
Keeping baby awake for a little while beforehand can help baby sink onto that deep sleep during the photo session.  This can be a challenge, but it pays off.  If baby seems sleepy, try undressing him, or changing his diaper. 

4. Bring  your baby dressed (or Undressed) in only a diaper.

Bundle him/her up in a blankie instead of dressing her up.  All those cute clothes are just going to come off, at least at first.  So it's better to just have a diaper on.  This way we don't wake the little one before we even get started.

5.  Count on this taking awhile!

Newborns are a lot of work even for us. Count on your session taking at least 2 hours.  Keep your schedule pretty flexible that day.  Rushing is not something you want to do.

6. Babies Make Messes!

You know this point well!  Don't worry about the messes that the baby makes while in the photographers company.  I am used to getting peed, pood, and spit up on quite regularly while shooting newborns.  They cry too.  Don't worry about a little fussing.  If the photographer is any good, they will know when to signal you in to feed baby.

7. It's Getting Hot In Here!

If the session is taking place at your house rather than a studio, your photographer will probably tell you to keep the room you will be working in at a balming 80 degrees! This is super important! Baby needs to be nice and warm.  Remember that a majority of these shots will be done in the nude.  If it is too cold, it will just disturb baby's quiet slumber. :)  


I hope your newborn shoot goes well.  These first days are something you can never get back.  Treasure them!  Keepsake them!  
Happy Snapping!




Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Beautiful Baby D

Beautiful Baby D Photo Shoot

This littlest darling captured our hearts!
 At Just 9 Days old our cameras were able to capture her beautiful little face. :)
This was my first "real" newborn shoot.  I say real meaning it was my first in my own studio, with my own name, ect.

Isn't she BEAUTIFUL?

Those LIPS....

I tell my clients that these babies are my "baby Fix" since I'm not having anymore of my own.  I loved shooting her.  Her beautiful skin tone looks so good against these bright backdrops!
What do you think? 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Dressing for your family Pictures

What Should I Wear?

Dressing for your family pictures

So you don't know what to wear for your family photos?  This is the number one question photographers get asked.  Here are some basic guidelines to get you started and make sure that your pictures dress to impress.

1. Skip The Uniform Look

I know it's hard to believe but seriously people!  Gone are the days of khaki pants and the same shirt all around.  This will take away from your personality.  Although neutral colors are important, keeping personality and pizzazz in your photos is too.

2. Dress For Your Settings

If you are taking pictures in an outdoor setting, you don't have to worry about colliding with a backdrop.  However, if you are going for a country theme or at a railway station, it might be cute for you all to wear boots.  Keep it simple, but make it count.

3. Patterns Are Accessories

Patterns are fun and cute, especially a plaid shirt on a little boy or a striped dress.  However, when you dress in patterns think of them as accessories like scarves or hats.  They look good in small doses.  If everyone is wearing a Pattern it may be overly distracting.

4. Work In Some Bold Colors

Some bold or bright colors can have a very good effect on your photos.  A woman or girl in a bright dress, or a nice polo shirt or bright tie on a man can truly compliment a photo.  Even a bright scarf the same color as your son's shirt, or a pair of heels the same color as your hubby's tie can do wonders for a picture.

5. Stay Comfortable

Especially when you have kids, comfort is important!  You are more likely to get your kids happy and smiling when they are wearing something they can stretch and run around in, rather than if they're uncomfortable and itchy.    Also making sure it's something that they can roll around on the grass in and pose for a classic shot is also something to keep in mind.

Hope these tips helped!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Getting Creative With Your Photos

Get CREATIVE With Your Photos!

Part 1

Hey there!  Today I want to talk all about being creative with your photography! All those same poses you've been using over and over again need some life!  So here's some suggestions...

#1.  Shoot From The Back

It sounds odd, but the photos shot from the back of the subject tend to turn out super cute.  This one was taken with her favorite little stuffed friend.  It was one of the clients favorite pictures too.  I turned it chocolate b&w to give it that extra appeal!

#2.  Just Shoot "Parts" of people
 Sometimes just shooting part of the client is a great  way to showcase talent.  Zooming in on those beautiful little baby parts, getting a families feet together, or a mom and daughters hands clasped together, can make some of your best shots.  

#3. Go For The Close-Up!


 Not much to it, just get close!  A baby with their eyes open or a child close-up is usually always a flattering way to show them off, especially since they don't have all those imperfections like we do.  The ones they do have, are usually just thought of as character!  Oh to be young...


Stay tuned for more creative photography tips!

